Sunday, April 14, 2024

Abortion??? (USA)

Abortion is an inalienable right for ALL women and no one has the right to deny any woman her right to terminate a pregnancy. No society has the right to force selective values on any individual within that society. We all have the right to our own values, religious or otherwise, but we don’t have the right to force them on everyone. When a government makes laws using a religious litmus test as a deciding factor, it has grossly violated America’s cherished right to the separation of church and state.

 For those who say a fetus is a human being from the first heart beat and has rights like anyone else; sorry, that is trumping a woman’s rights. Some people say an abortion is only justified if the conception was from rape or incest. I don’t understand the logic in that, if you really believe a fetus has rights, the circumstance of its conception should not matter.

I suggest that our self-righteous pious government keep its nose out of a woman’s personal decisions. Stop challenging women’s rights!

-Alex Sungail ~ Welcome to the unknown

Avoiding a world war:


What if all the closed-minded leaders of our threatened earth came together and actually talked to each other and explained their positions and concerns about a pending War? What if they looked each other in the eyes while they explained how they want to work together to create and maintain world peace? What if they actually talked about their countries needs and expectations for their people and asked for help instead of making threats of destroying each other? What if they shook hands and laughed at themselves for the ridiculousness of their past threats and rhetoric? What if they apologized to each other and vowed to stop all the nonsensical hate and threats of war? What if........?

-Alex Sungail ~ Welcome to the unknown

The infinite war:

Why do religions continue to fight wars that can’t be won?  These wars have been going on for thousands of years.  Why?
The self-righteous blame it on religious extremism without acknowledging the fact that extremists are following the same doctrine of their own religion.  The religious minded people of today have this attitude that they are not killing people, it’s those damn extremists.  Common sense should tell you that the primitive and daunting passages that are in the Bible, Koran and Torah, should be changed and replaced with logical and loving passages for our time.  All passages with hate and advocating death to anyone with different beliefs should be repudiated and removed from the doctrine.  Today is the age of civilized people, we do not burn people to the stake, stone them to death, or cut their heads off.  If your God is such a loving God, why is there so much hate within the religions?  Where is all this love that religions are advocating but not giving or receiving?   I believe all religious people should not hang their heads in prayer, they should hang their heads in shame until they can show true love for all humankind.  This can be done by repudiating the hateful passages that are in the doctrine, not condoning them. 

-Alex Sungail ~ Welcome to the unknown

If God truly exists and prayer truly works, why is there no world peace?  For God’s sake, what have you been praying for?

Wednesday, February 28, 2024


I believe (renewed) 

I believe (renewed) is basically a compilation of ideologies, theories and my personal opinions about religion, politics and racism. There are quotes by famous and intellectual people, some quotes are profound, while some are humorous.  All of the information within was derived from extensive research of world religions and was motivated by my personal religious experiences throughout my life.  If you are of a religion, you may find some of the content offensive.  My intent is not to offend the religious, I am simply offering the dubious person an opportunity to understand why more and more people are moving away from religious beliefs and moving toward their own individual spirituality.

-Alex Sungail ~ Welcome to the unknown

I believe (renewed)


I believe religion lives and grows on fear of the unknown.  It is the propagator of hate, prejudices, and has been the prevailing instigator of wars throughout the world.  Religious ideologies and the theology of religion have been traditionally taught and passed on from generation to generation, thus, perpetuating the fear, hate and prejudice for people who have different beliefs.

My beliefs were inherently realized through my own spirituality.  My belief system is not a cause, so there are no bibles, no commandments, and no missionaries.  I am not Christian, Islamic, Jewish or of any God worshiping faith so I am labeled an atheist, heathen or infidel.  If I must have a label, I prefer to be called a Realist.  I do not have religious beliefs but I do have spiritual beliefs and I adhere to them religiously.

I believe in the unknown and I embrace it, for the unknown is my true destiny.  If I fear anything, I fear religion because the religious mindset lacks conscience and the ability to reason.

Is there a Creator? Yes, man created God in mans own image.

-Alex Sungail ~ Welcome to the unknown

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Religion vs. Secularism:

It is hard for me to understand why educated and intelligent people allow themselves to be manipulated into a religion without researching and studying the principles of Secularism and Freethought. When one chooses to be indoctrinated into a religion and makes a lifetime commitment to that religion, they have closed the door on freethinking and have become a slave to that religion.

Romans 6:22 - "But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves of God, the benefit you reap leads to holiness, and the result is eternal life." Hmm, you don't say.

Religion is the embodiment of evil, hate and bigotry. History holds the facts that will bear that out. Does this mean that the believers are inherently evil and hateful or are they victims of their own ignorance? I believe that they are victims of their own ignorance because most of the believers are good people with good intentions and have been misguided by the religionists and zealots of their religion.

-Alex Sungail ~ Welcome to the unknown

A Secular Belief

What makes a Realist?
Simply said, reality, but there is much more to it than that. In the first place, one must be realistic about life and open minded to all of the possibilities of life’s creation. The religions claim that life started with a divine creation, and they offer nothing more than an ancient legend to back up their claim. Just to say God did it is too simple minded for the Realist. The Realist believes that today’s reality tells the truth not ancient myth. However, the Realist doesn’t close the door on the possibility of life being created by a God because there is no proof one way or the other. This is called open-mindedness. A promising thing about the Realist is that we don’t hate or kill people just for having different beliefs than our own. We live and let live and our door is always open to truth and reality.

-Alex Sungail ~ Welcome to the unknown

The reckoning of a belief system:

Belief or disbelief?

Since the beginning of humanity, the entire world was taught what to believe and how to believe.  I did not see any logic in those primitive teachings so I chose to search for alternative answers to life.  Seemingly, everyone else on earth embraced a religious belief through cultural traditions.  I felt the opposite and I was very insecure about making a commitment to any religion.  Whenever I would try to explain my position on religion, I would receive condemnation so I eventually refrained from voicing my beliefs.  To avoid confrontation, I became an appeaser and for awhile I kept my beliefs to myself.

Because I am a proud man, I eventually got tired of deceiving people by pretending I was one of them, so I started defending my position on religion which is a tough challenge because it attracts hate. Nevertheless, I still stay true to my beliefs.  Am I wrong in my beliefs just because I am not of the majority? Is the majority right in their beliefs just because they were taught what to believe and are the majority?  I don’t think so!

-Alex Sungail ~ Welcome to the unknown

Modern day Apocalypse

Religion's choke hold on America: 
America's greatness has been tarnished by the self-righteous politicians that are in control of our government, particularly, the Democrat and Republican parties. 92% of the two parties combined are of the Christian religion, which means they are the majority, so in that sense, the separation of church and state is a joke. The Christians are running America and they take absolutely no responsibility for the problems they created, they just cry for more freedom of religion. Boy, that's what America needs, more religion, that way we can crash and burn and make our own modern-day apocalypse. There are 4200 religions and 33000 denominations in the world today and religion is still a failing cause.

If you disagree, please tell me what nonreligious entity is in control of the US government and the world.

-Alex Sungail ~ Welcome to the unknown

Coming out of the closet

Everyone has something they prefer not to reveal so they may choose to put it out of their mind and into the closet.  It could relate to one’s beliefs, religion, politics, sexuality, drugs and the list goes on and on.  Many years ago my closet was overflowing with stuff because I felt like I would be ostracized for just being me.  I eventually started bringing things out of the closet because I got fed up with being an appeaser.  As time went on, I emptied my closet and boy did I feel free.  I now express myself with an in your face truth that says who I am, not who someone expects me to be.  I am a proud Realist which pretty much say’s it all.

-Alex Sungail ~ Welcome to the unknown

Stand up and be counted

For love of my Country (USA)
My first lessen for love of my country was in 1948, my first year in school. Class always started with all students standing and placing their hand over their heart and then reciting the pledge of allegiance. At the time, I didn’t have a clue what it meant. We also would stand for our National Anthem at sporting events, and I still didn’t have an appreciation for what it all meant.

After serving a tour of duty in the Army, I realized why I should show respect for our great country. During my military service, I visited many other countries and I experienced firsthand the difference between the USA and other countries that truly oppress their people. Definition of oppression: “unjust or cruel exercise of power or authority “. America is not the cause of the protester's oppression, America is the reason we are free to fight against oppression. The US constitution is for protecting every American citizen and without it, there is no America. Isn’t that reason enough to stand up for our great country? 

-Alex Sungail ~ Welcome to the unknown

The Wrath of God

 Deuteronomy 28:47-48 ESV / 20 helpful votes:  Because you did not serve the Lord your God with joyfulness and gladness of heart, because of the abundance of all things, therefore you shall serve your enemies whom the Lord will send against you, in hunger and thirst, in nakedness, and lacking everything. And he will put a yoke of iron on your neck until he has destroyed you.

 Who me?


1 Corinthians 5:9-13 ESV / 44 helpful votes:  I wrote to you in my letter not to associate with sexually immoral people— not at all meaning the sexually immoral of this world, or the greedy and swindlers, or idolaters, since then you would need to go out of the world. But now I am writing to you not to associate with anyone who bears the name of brother if he is guilty of sexual immorality or greed, or is an idolater, reviler, drunkard, or swindler—not even to eat with such a one. For what have I to do with judging outsiders? Is it not those inside the church whom you are to judge? God judges those outside. “Purge the evil person from among you.”

 Ey, yuh taukin bout me again?

-Alex Sungail ~ Welcome to the unknown

Saturday, June 10, 2023

Democrat's in disarray

Relentless for the wrong cause: 
The ongoing Democrat Crusade to destroy Donald Trump, is destroying our freedoms and the principles of the US Constitution. If the American citizens don’t unite and stop this attempted takeover of the US government, it will eventually destroy Americas fragile Democracy. Maintaining our Democracy is essential to maintaining a strong America and our constitutional rights. 

Definition of Democracy: 
1: government by the people; esp; rule of the majority.
2: a government of which the supreme power is held by the people.

The Democrats seem to have lost their collective minds. Where in the constitution does it say the democrats are the supreme power of the people and the US government? Where does it say they have the right to override the people’s votes? - IT DOSEN'T!

-Alex Sungail ~ Welcome to the unknown

Division in America

America Is Now the Divided Republic the Framers Feared. John Adams worried that “a division of the republic into two great parties … is to be dreaded as the great political evil.” And that’s exactly what has come to pass.

-Lee Drutman < Author of Breaking the Two-Party Doom Loop

-Alex Sungail ~ Welcome to the unknown

America’s democracy

Groupthink definitions:

The practice of thinking or making decisions as a group in a way that discourages creativity or individual responsibility.

Groupthink is a phenomenon that occurs when a group of individuals reaches a consensus without critical reasoning or evaluation of the consequences or alternatives. Groupthink is based on a common desire not to upset the balance of a group of people. Wikipedia 

The US system of government exemplifies the Groupthink phenomenon, particularly the Republican and Democrat parties. To eliminate Groupthink, the US must abolish the multi party system commonly called the 2 party system. If you agree, please share this post. If you disagree, share it anyway, America’s democracy is at stake.

-Alex Sungail ~ Welcome to the unknown


America’s broken government:

The US government has been broken since the inception of the two party system. Religions have been broken since antiquity. Neither government nor religion can be fixed without the majority acknowledging that they are both broken. Religion by itself is a giant political machine which is the major factor why our government is in disarray. When a government official is elected into office, they have an obligation to leave partisanship and religion outside the door. This doesn't happen because our government is trying to function using three separate entities with three different ideologies; republican, democrat and religion. Religion is the driving force that influence's both parties and both parties are trying to go in opposite directions. The solution to stopping this religious influence on our government is to enforce our constitutional right to the separation of church and state, and abolishing the party system would be icing on the cake.

  -Alex Sungail ~ Welcome to the unknown

America’s tug of war

Logically speaking: 
The two-party system is self-destructing, but it is happening far too slowly, so we need to help it out by abolishing the Democrat and Republican parties. America deserves better. We need to adhere to the constitution as it is. We need to hold the media accountable. The first amendment does not mean the right to lie. We need to beef up and enforce the existing laws. We need to stop the bombast; stop judging people by our own indiscretions; stop complaining and do something constructive for America instead of destructive.  We can't bad mouth America to greatness. Let's all try using logic. 

-Alex Sungail ~ Welcome to the unknown

The invasion of America - 2018 to 2023

 Deja vu of 2018

The 2018 Honduras invasion on the USA started with a thousand or so and will end with a total of 9,417,167, if it isn’t stopped. Guatemala will be next with a population of 17,369,995. Mexico say’s, hey, we were here first, and Mexico’s population is 134,759,074. If this snowball of immigrants is allowed to keep on rolling, the whole damn world will eventually occupy America.

If necessary, the power that will stop this invasion on America is the second amendment of the US constitution. Americans are fed up with freeloaders taking over the country that we built, fought for and some have died for. If you are from a country that is run by a dictatorship which oppresses its people, don’t run, stay home and fight for your freedom instead of running like a coward to America expecting America to solve your problems.

The truly oppressed and impoverished people who apply legally for asylum in the USA should be vetted and respectfully considered. Any forced entry is considered an invasion and should be met with the ultimate of resistance. The Biden administration better WAKE UP!

-Alex Sungail ~ Welcome to the unknown

America’s Liberty is in Jeopardy

 Planet of the WOKE

A grim reminder of what the Biden Regime is trying to do to America.

 -Alex Sungail ~ Welcome to the unknown

Saturday, March 4, 2023

Religion’s grip on America

The True Supremacist: 
America is a reflection of the entire world because of its multi cultures and religious diversity. Religion is the driving force that perpetuates the prejudice and hate in America and throughout the world. If you use history as a guide you will find that the Confederate States of America claimed to be a Christian nation. The Confederacy had a Constitution that recognized God. The Ku Klux Klan is comprised entirely of white, Anglo-Saxon, Christian American citizens. During the time of Hitler, the Nazis claimed that their movement was Christian. If you consider that there are 2.2 billion Christians, 1.8 billion Muslims and 6.8 million Jews world wide, you should get a better perspective of the real problem within America and the world. The problem isn't white supremacy; the problem is religious supremacy which has prevailed for thousands of years. Supremacy is not a black or white issue, it is a humanistic issue. 

-Alex Sungail ~ Welcome to the unknown

Defending the truth

Definition of truth: the real state of things ~ fact

If everyone on this great earth of ours was of a religion and there were no Atheists or Realists, who would defend the truth?  With the world having 4200 religions and 33000 denominations, the truth about God and religion is stretched beyond recognition which creates mistrust and hate between the religions.  If you want the truth, seek the truth, not the myth.

“Since it is inconceivable that all religions can be right, the most reasonable conclusion is that they are all wrong. “
-Christopher Hitchens

I challenge anyone to prove that their religion is the only true religion.  If all religions had the same purpose with no need to control, there would be only one religion and Holy wars would be unheard-of.  Religion is a lost cause.

If God truly exists and prayer truly works, why is there no world peace?  For God's sake, what have you been praying for?

-Alex Sungail ~ Welcome to the unknown

The Bible and women’s equality

I do not understand why modern women of today buy into a 2000 year old book called the Bible which is written entirely by men for men.  For thousands of years women have played a demeaning role in all of history.  The most popular female role in the history of the Bible is Eve.  Need I say how she was portrayed.  You can believe in the Adam and Eve fable or not believe in it, but the fact remains that it was written by man and the Bibles first lady doesn’t look too good.  As history progressed into the future, the demeaning portrayal of women has continued and is still alive to this day.  Why are modern day women still buying into the fables of the Bible?  The only answer I can think of is fear of the unknown so women have become appeasers to the cause.  There is some hope for women’s equality through the women’s movements but without acknowledging the history of their repression and fighting to change their man imposed role of today, they won’t ever get full equality. 

Bible versus reality: 
During the time of the Old Testament there were only two books that bear the names of women, namely Ruth and Ester.  Both played a positive role in the Bible and they were both unique characters and were considered heroines of the time.  Unfortunately, the Ruth and Ester fables are overshadowed by numerous scriptures that have been demeaning and repressing women since the onset of the Bible and the New Testament does not repudiate any of these scriptures.  Is bible scripture a command of god or is it merely a delusion created by the author’s grandiose imaginations?  Either way, scriptures, passages and verses were not intended to be suggestions, they were intended to be gospel and some believe they were dictates from God meaning they are Gods law. 

Scriptures inspired by God, or was it Man? 
"I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man, she must be quiet.  For Adam was formed first, then Eve.  And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner." Timothy 2:12-14 New International version (NIV) 

"But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God."
(Corinthians 11:3)
"For the man is not of the woman; but the woman of the man. Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man." 
(Corinthians 11:8-9)

-Alex Sungail ~ Welcome to the unknown

Freedom of Religion?

 Something to consider; 

"As of 2010, Christianity was by far the world's largest religion, with an estimated 2.2 billion adherents, nearly a third (31 percent) of all 6.9 billion people on Earth," the Pew report says. "Islam was second, with 1.6 billion adherents, or 23 percent of the global population." Apr 2, 2015.

How many of each religion are there in the world? 84 percent of the world population has faith; a third are Christian. “Worldwide, more than eight-in-ten people identify with a religious group,” says a new comprehensive demographic study of more than 230 countries and territories conducted by the Pew Research Center's Forum on Religion & Public Life. 

Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world and is expected to outstrip Christianity by the end of the century. The number of Muslims will grow more than twice as fast as the world's population from now until 2050, the Pew Research Center has said. In 2010, Muslims made up 23.2 per cent of the global population. 

Nearly 92 percent of the House and Senate are Christian, compared to 73 percent of American adults, according to an analysis by Pew Forum. Of the Christian Congress members, 57 percent are Protestant, while 30 percent are Catholic. Jan 5, 2015.

Man, oh man, and they are crying for freedom of religion. If that's not freedom of religion, what the hell is and where does it all end?  This is proof that fear mongering and brain washing actually works. Are you ready for the Holy war that is looming over the world?  Religion, isn't it great? 

-Alex Sungail ~ Welcome to the unknown

Christian ethics

 Common sense Politics

 Christian politics contributes to a weaker understanding of the purposes and limits of American government. The United States has one of the most brilliantly constructed political systems in the world. But fewer and fewer Americans understand either its structure or the reasons for that structure. Constitutionalism, majority rule with minority rights, checks and balances, federalism, the tripartite diffusion of power — not to mention religious liberty and the separation of church and state — these are treasures, admired and imitated all over the world. But when political allegiance is determined first and foremost by religious litmus tests, these treasures are put at risk.

Precisely as a Christian, I call for my fellow Christians to try an experiment. For lack of a better term, let's normalize, even secularize, our approach to the next election. Ask all candidates to drop the God talk. Recognize and reject all forms of religious pandering. Punish candidates who make base appeals to religious tribalism. Evaluate candidates according to their past performance and current policy proposals related to the major challenges facing our nation. Read the Declaration of Independence and Constitution for a refresher. Pastors, stay home and preach the Gospel rather than being precinct captains. If you want to engage in relevant political reflection, wrestle in your sermons with how constitutional democracy and broad Christian moral principles relate to each other.

Christian politics is corrupting both Christians and politics. Our nation is in too much trouble to endure another round of this sorry spectacle. Let's do better.

David P Gushee, professor of Christian ethics-

-Alex Sungail ~ Welcome to the unknown

Slavery in the USA – 1619 to 1865

Should there be reparation?

Time is a bridge to our future and once we cross that bridge we can't go back. History is our life's lesson and we must use it for understanding and accepting the time that created it. We should make no apologies for the transgressions of our ancestors because we were not there. We can only hope that the people of today will be more loving, giving and empathic than our ancestors were. The end of today is the beginning of tomorrow so finish the day with a conscience but feel no guilt for the atrocities that were committed before our time. It's time to move on.

-Alex Sungail ~ Welcome to the unknown

Wednesday, March 1, 2023


The Middle Ages; are a time period in European history. ... This period of time is also known as the Medieval Age, the Dark Ages (due to the lost technology of the Roman Empire), or the Age of Faith (because of the rise of Christianity and Islam). Despite the religious conflicts, the period of the Dark Ages was seen as an age of faith. Men and women sought after God; some through the staid rituals of the Catholic Church, others in more Orthodox forms of worship. Intellectuals view religion in any form as, itself, a type of “darkness.” These thinkers assert that those who followed religious beliefs lied to themselves, creating a false reality. They were dominated by emotions, not fact. Religion was seen as contrary to rationality and reason, thus the move towards enlightenment -- a move away from “darkness.” Science and reason gained ascendancy, progressing steadily during and after the Reformation and Age of Enlightenment. 

The Dark Age was aptly named for that time period of Religious rebellion and conflict. The turmoil continues to this day and is an infringement on today’s freedom. What the world needs now is a new age of enlightenment, an age of Freethinkers. It is way past time to end the darkness of primitive thinking. If we must have religion, we need to govern it by today’s standards of REASON not ancient legend and myth. 

-Alex Sungail ~ Welcome to the unknown

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Heaven or Hell

What could be more Heavenly than the beauty of our great earth at peace?  We wouldn’t have to wish to go to Heaven, we would already be there, all we have to do is stop killing each other, live in peace and promote love instead of hate. That of course is easier said than done. The mainstream religions are the reason it will be so difficult to have peace because they are the ones who are at war.  The ongoing wars of today are the same wars that have been going on for millennium.  The irony is, the Holy Books advocate love yet some of the scriptures dictate hate.  For the religions to stop their hate and killing, they must unite and repudiate the daunting passages of death and remove them from the doctrines in their Holy books.  They must find a way to unify their religions, or the wars will continue and innocent people will continue to die in vain.  Until the Religions unite in peace, this great earth will be our Hell, not our Heaven.  It’s just shameful.

-Alex Sungail ~ Welcome to the unknown 

Monday, February 13, 2023

President Biden Unifying America

Ted Nugent gives his profound opinion about Biden

~ This Blog's most popular post ~

The danger to America is not Joseph Biden, but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of a Biden presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Biden, who is a mere symptom of what ails America. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Biden, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools, such as those who made him their president." 

Ted Nugent on Facebook 

-Alex Sungail ~ Welcome to the unknown 

The elections that failed America (2020 & 2022)

 Never forget: 

The egocentric Democrats faked their way into the White House with the help of the fake news media. This is a travesty to America and the world; however, this brings the American Patriots closer together and we will eventually win the battle for our freedom as the Constitution dictates. If necessary, the first and second amendments will be the engines that will drive America back to greatness. The fake President and the fake Vice President are impeachment candidates for impersonating a Government Official. America doesn’t need a jackass for President and a laughing hyena for Vice President. 

-Alex Sungail ~ Welcome to the unknown

A message from Clint Eastwood

Preparing to say goodbye

My Twilight Years at 90.

If you realize each day is a gift, you may be near my age.  As I enjoy my twilight years, I am often struck by the inevitability that the party must end. There will come a clear, cold morning when there isn't any "more." No more hugs, no more special moments to celebrate together, no more phone calls just to chat. 

It seems to me that one of the important things to do before that morning comes, is to let everyone of your family and friends know that you care for them by finding simple ways to let them know your heartfelt beliefs and the guiding principles of your life so they can always say, "He was my friend, and I know where he stood."

So, just in case I'm gone tomorrow, please know this:  I voted against, Biden, that incompetent, lying, flip-flopping, insincere, double-talking, radical socialist, terrorist excusing, bleeding heart, narcissistic, scientific and economic moron that spent eight years-in the White House trying to destroy our wonderful country and turn it into Muslim loving, socialist crap hole like he came from and I don’t mean Hawaii! Participating in a gun buy-back program because you think criminals have too many guns is like having yourself castrated because you think your neighbors have too many kids.

Regards, Clint 

Make My Day  --  Pass it on !

-Alex Sungail ~ Welcome to the unknown

Biden’s response to Clint Eastwood’s message.

 Come on Man!

I'm the President of The United States of America.


 -Alex Sungail ~ Welcome to the unknown

Saturday, February 4, 2023

Truth or consequences

I would rather tell the truth and be hated, than tell a lie and be loved.

When you appease someone to avoid confrontation, you have allowed them to control you which makes them stronger and you weaker.  It is best to be honest and say what you believe is true because you have a right to be you.

God is not dead because myths never die, they hopefully just fade away.

I do not hate God, I can not hate something that doesn’t exist.  I leave the hate for the religious, they do it best.

If God truly exists and prayer truly works, why is there no world peace?  For God's sake, what have you been praying for?

Your true spirituality is yours, it is not owned by some God in the sky.  Owning your own spirituality gives you strength and independence, not weakness and dependency.

If religions were based on reality, there would be no religions, and if there were no religions, there would be no religious wars.  Hmm.

Religion is the cause of hate and strife in the world it is not the cure.

The so called non believers are the true believers because they believe in reality not fallacy.  I Believe (renewed).

-Alex Sungail ~ Welcome to the unknown

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Taxes in America:

Are all Americans truly equal?

Churches are tax exempt in the good Ole USA. The Supreme Court proclaimed that if churches were taxed, it would violate the separation of church and state.  Go figure!  The Supreme Court has got it wrong because of their personal bias which stems from their religion.  I would bet if the judges of the Supreme Court were Atheists and Realists, the churches would be paying their fair share of taxes and that would truly be a separation of church and state. The fat cat clergyman that is driving a Cadillac and living in a mansion will help pay down the national debt when they start paying their fair share of taxes.

The Bible endorses the right of governments to tax citizens. Jesus paid taxes and called on His disciples to do so, as well (Matthew 17:24-27, 22:15-22). Paul the apostle also discussed taxation, and wrote in Romans 13.

For whatever reason, the churches of today won’t take responsibility and pay for their freedom like everyone else. Our freedom is not free, but the churches get a free ride; that is not equal rights for all Americans. It’s way past time to make the churches accountable.

-Alex Sungail ~ Welcome to the unknown 

Thursday, December 15, 2022

The Immigration Dilemma:

Migrant: One who temporarily migrates for the purpose of finding work. 

Immigrant: One who immigrates to another country and claims residency.

Refugee: One who flees for safety especially to a foreign country.

There seems to be a natural instinct for immigrants to migrate and when religion is added to the scenario it justifies the unjustifiable, perpetrating the takeover of land that is already inhabited by other cultures and religions; "Psalm 2:8-12 NIV, Ask me; "Genesis 15:7". I just can't understand why certain cultures and religions think they have the right to take something that isn't theirs. The 8th commandment say's "You shall not steal". What is wrong with being content with what they already have? The 10th commandment say's; "You shall not covet".

If there was some kind of a catastrophe that would make it imperative for the inhabitants to relocate, then a migration would be justified but it should be a migration to unoccupied land or to a country that welcomes immigrants of other cultures and religions. A forced occupation for any reason is a primitive solution and would not be sustainable in the modern world. If a culture or religion is being forced off of their home land by an aggressor, they should stay and fight for their inalienable right to live free on the land they rightfully occupy. If they don't have the will or means to fight for their home land and they become displaced, their migration will simply be kicking the can down the road and they most likely will not be welcome wherever they go.

-Alex Sungail ~ Welcome to the unknown