Belief or disbelief?
Since the beginning
of humanity, the entire world was taught what to believe and how to believe. I did
not see any logic in those primitive teachings so I chose to search for
alternative answers to life. Seemingly, everyone else on earth embraced a
religious belief through cultural traditions. I felt the opposite and I was very
insecure about making a commitment to any religion. Whenever I would try to
explain my position on religion, I would receive condemnation so I eventually
refrained from voicing my beliefs. To avoid confrontation, I became an appeaser
and for awhile I kept my beliefs to myself.
Because I am a proud man, I eventually got tired of deceiving people by pretending I was one of them, so I started defending my position on religion which is a tough challenge because it attracts hate. Nevertheless, I still stay true to my beliefs. Am I wrong in my beliefs just because I am not of the majority? Is the majority right in their beliefs just because they were taught what to believe and are the majority? I don’t think so!
-Alex Sungail ~ Welcome to the unknown