Thursday, June 15, 2023

Modern day Apocalypse

Religion's choke hold on America: 
America's greatness has been tarnished by the self-righteous politicians that are in control of our government, particularly, the Democrat and Republican parties. 92% of the two parties combined are of the Christian religion, which means they are the majority, so in that sense, the separation of church and state is a joke. The Christians are running America and they take absolutely no responsibility for the problems they created, they just cry for more freedom of religion. Boy, that's what America needs, more religion, that way we can crash and burn and make our own modern-day apocalypse. There are 4200 religions and 33000 denominations in the world today and religion is still a failing cause.

If you disagree, please tell me what nonreligious entity is in control of the US government and the world.

-Alex Sungail ~ Welcome to the unknown