Sunday, April 14, 2024

Abortion??? (USA)

Abortion is an inalienable right for ALL women and no one has the right to deny any woman her right to terminate a pregnancy. No society has the right to force selective values on any individual within that society. We all have the right to our own values, religious or otherwise, but we don’t have the right to force them on everyone. When a government makes laws using a religious litmus test as a deciding factor, it has grossly violated America’s cherished right to the separation of church and state.

 For those who say a fetus is a human being from the first heart beat and has rights like anyone else; sorry, that is trumping a woman’s rights. Some people say an abortion is only justified if the conception was from rape or incest. I don’t understand the logic in that, if you really believe a fetus has rights, the circumstance of its conception should not matter.

I suggest that our self-righteous pious government keep its nose out of a woman’s personal decisions. Stop challenging women’s rights!

-Alex Sungail ~ Welcome to the unknown