Thursday, June 15, 2023

Stand up and be counted

For love of my Country (USA)
My first lessen for love of my country was in 1948, my first year in school. Class always started with all students standing and placing their hand over their heart and then reciting the pledge of allegiance. At the time, I didn’t have a clue what it meant. We also would stand for our National Anthem at sporting events, and I still didn’t have an appreciation for what it all meant.

After serving a tour of duty in the Army, I realized why I should show respect for our great country. During my military service, I visited many other countries and I experienced firsthand the difference between the USA and other countries that truly oppress their people. Definition of oppression: “unjust or cruel exercise of power or authority “. America is not the cause of the protester's oppression, America is the reason we are free to fight against oppression. The US constitution is for protecting every American citizen and without it, there is no America. Isn’t that reason enough to stand up for our great country? 

-Alex Sungail ~ Welcome to the unknown