Sunday, January 22, 2023

Taxes in America:

Are all Americans truly equal?

Churches are tax exempt in the good Ole USA. The Supreme Court proclaimed that if churches were taxed, it would violate the separation of church and state.  Go figure!  The Supreme Court has got it wrong because of their personal bias which stems from their religion.  I would bet if the judges of the Supreme Court were Atheists and Realists, the churches would be paying their fair share of taxes and that would truly be a separation of church and state. The fat cat clergyman that is driving a Cadillac and living in a mansion will help pay down the national debt when they start paying their fair share of taxes.

The Bible endorses the right of governments to tax citizens. Jesus paid taxes and called on His disciples to do so, as well (Matthew 17:24-27, 22:15-22). Paul the apostle also discussed taxation, and wrote in Romans 13.

For whatever reason, the churches of today won’t take responsibility and pay for their freedom like everyone else. Our freedom is not free, but the churches get a free ride; that is not equal rights for all Americans. It’s way past time to make the churches accountable.

-Alex Sungail ~ Welcome to the unknown