Thursday, December 15, 2022

The Immigration Dilemma:

Migrant: One who temporarily migrates for the purpose of finding work. 

Immigrant: One who immigrates to another country and claims residency.

Refugee: One who flees for safety especially to a foreign country.

There seems to be a natural instinct for immigrants to migrate and when religion is added to the scenario it justifies the unjustifiable, perpetrating the takeover of land that is already inhabited by other cultures and religions; "Psalm 2:8-12 NIV, Ask me; "Genesis 15:7". I just can't understand why certain cultures and religions think they have the right to take something that isn't theirs. The 8th commandment say's "You shall not steal". What is wrong with being content with what they already have? The 10th commandment say's; "You shall not covet".

If there was some kind of a catastrophe that would make it imperative for the inhabitants to relocate, then a migration would be justified but it should be a migration to unoccupied land or to a country that welcomes immigrants of other cultures and religions. A forced occupation for any reason is a primitive solution and would not be sustainable in the modern world. If a culture or religion is being forced off of their home land by an aggressor, they should stay and fight for their inalienable right to live free on the land they rightfully occupy. If they don't have the will or means to fight for their home land and they become displaced, their migration will simply be kicking the can down the road and they most likely will not be welcome wherever they go.

-Alex Sungail ~ Welcome to the unknown