Sunday, April 14, 2024

The infinite war:

Why do religions continue to fight wars that can’t be won?  These wars have been going on for thousands of years.  Why?
The self-righteous blame it on religious extremism without acknowledging the fact that extremists are following the same doctrine of their own religion.  The religious minded people of today have this attitude that they are not killing people, it’s those damn extremists.  Common sense should tell you that the primitive and daunting passages that are in the Bible, Koran and Torah, should be changed and replaced with logical and loving passages for our time.  All passages with hate and advocating death to anyone with different beliefs should be repudiated and removed from the doctrine.  Today is the age of civilized people, we do not burn people to the stake, stone them to death, or cut their heads off.  If your God is such a loving God, why is there so much hate within the religions?  Where is all this love that religions are advocating but not giving or receiving?   I believe all religious people should not hang their heads in prayer, they should hang their heads in shame until they can show true love for all humankind.  This can be done by repudiating the hateful passages that are in the doctrine, not condoning them. 

-Alex Sungail ~ Welcome to the unknown

If God truly exists and prayer truly works, why is there no world peace?  For God’s sake, what have you been praying for?