Thursday, June 15, 2023

Mini biography of the author

 My Story

 I was born in Chicago Illinois at the Cook County Hospital on April 7 1942.  When I was 3 months old my parents decided to move to Englewood Colorado.  When I became school age, my Mother had me incarcerated at Saint Louis School which is a Catholic school.  Lucky me!   After 6 years of Christian indoctrination and Catholic cruelty, I was enrolled at Flood Junior High, a public School.  Flood Junior High was flooded with many different religions and denominations. This time my indoctrination was listening to students argue and fight over whose religion was the true religion and their different interpretations of Bible scripture.  It was very daunting for me at that time of my life so I withdrew from any socializing with other students.  I eventually moved on to Englewood Senior High and the religious confrontations between students continued.  I managed to make it to the 11th grade where I dropped out and joined the Army.  When I checked in at the Army reception station, I was asked what religion I wanted on my dog tags; I said none.  The sergeant became irate and yelled, “you have to have a religion!”  I said well, I was raised a Catholic, and he yelled; than you are a damn Catholic.  Little did I know that religious conflicts would also be rampant throughout the US Military.  While serving my country, I managed to befriend some fellow soldiers that also rejected religion and we all managed to make it through our Military obligation without submitting to the pressures of having no religion.  I truly miss those guy's, our camaraderie was unsurpassed by anything at that time.  I was honorably discharged from the Army, August 3, 1964.  From that time until now, I have been defending my human and spiritual right’s to be religion free and I will do so until the day I die.  I can only hope that the religious people of today will eventually find their true spirituality and break free from the primitive legends and myths that have enslaved them.

-Alex Sungail ~ Welcome to the unknown