Wednesday, August 26, 2020

The power of unity

Dominance of religion: 
Did you ever notice that you can't go anywhere or do anything without religion having its Holy nose in your life? It's everywhere! If you are of a religion, you probably haven't noticed because you are in the thick of it all. Judaism, Christianity and Islamism are the main stream religions and they are competing for the dominant position in today's world religions and the result is Holy terrorism. No matter which religion you are committed to, you are promoting terrorism by doing nothing but pointing your Holy finger at each-other. Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot, it's those Holy extremists who are to blame. When you stay in the background while these so called extremists are taking over your precious religion and eventually your country, you are aiding and abetting and that makes you a silent terrorist.

The answer to solving the religion dilemma is a long one and it has to start with communication between unified religions, not competitive ones. Terrorism is a product of religion and it can only be stopped by the people of these religions. Try unity, that is what the United States of America is all about.

-Alex Sungail ~ Welcome to the unknown