Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Democratic Ideologies

Socialism vs. freedom of choice:
It always astounds me when I hear people claim socialism is a better system of government than capitalism. Who in their right mind would want to give up their freedom of choice and give the government supreme power over them? Oh, I forgot about all the free stuff they will get. They would get free medical benefits, free food, free housing and best of all they would get a free education. Gee, I wonder who is going to pay for all that. I know who will have to pay for it, the tax payers, but where are you going to find the taxpayers if everything is free? They won’t have to work so they won’t have to pay income tax, they won’t have to pay sales tax because everything is free. Man, what a deal! Where do I sign up?

Back to reality; the proud, hard working, tax paying Americans reject this ridiculous concept of socialism. They take pride in contributing to America not demanding and taking from it. 

-Alex Sungail ~ Welcome to the unknown