Racial division:
have to stay united as Americans, not separated racially. If an activist for
racial equality uses violence to express their grievances, they are
assimilating the violent tactics of the KKK, which will cause more tension
between blacks and whites. In America, this kind of activist uses the first
amendment of the constitution like it is their personal amendment and they use
it to step on the rights of the majority. These activists definitely have a
grievance, but violence isn’t the answer to the racial issues in the world
today. America is a country of laws, and everyone has an obligation to honor
them. Without laws to defend our rights, we would have chaos. Vigilantism is a
religion to some people, and they use it for revenge instead of using the law of
due process. There are activists with good intentions who say their protest is
non-violent and within the law, but at the same time they are breaking the law
because it disrupts people’s lives and can provoke violence which is against
the law. In my opinion, America’s right to peaceably assemble, (protest) is a
form of legalized terrorism. Whether a protest is peaceable or violent, it will
most likely have a negative outcome.
I have a suggestion; stay home, sit back in your recliner and tweet your
grievances. That will be better for all Americans.
-Alex Sungail ~ Welcome to the unknown